About us
SACRun.Coach mission
is to create a knowledgeable sports community. We are a dynamic Run Coaching company with a vision to aspire and help the community understand how to discover their running potential. We believe "Everyone Can Run Smarter" with proven results SACRun.Coach Training Principles were established in 2012.
Train smarter.
Run Stronger
with us today!
We are passionate and determined to help you to be a Smart Runner. Experienced and professional coaches play a crucial role in the success and sustainability of your running progress and long-term running goal.

Choose Structured
Training Plan
Start to train smart with Online SAC Training Plan (STP) suitable for your running level & goal distance. Our training plan can be viewed anytime, anywhere via SACRun.Coach online platform that can be synced with your smart / GPS watch or with selected running apps from a smartphone.

Join Weekly
Training Class
Take your running experience to the next level with our weekly SAC Run Class (SRC), monitored and led by SAC Head Coach to help improve your running efficiency and speed. Stay motivated & train together with Smart Runners at a selected location & time every Sunday, 6:30 am to 8:00 am.

Analyse Training
Progress & Result
Online SAC Consultation Session (SCS) with SAC Head Coach for STP data summary and post-mortem to help you understand training progress & result for a future goal. A compulsory session for those interested in continuing training with SACRun.Coach training program for a long-term period.

Join the one-time class to kick-start your Smart Runner journey with SACRun.Coach
A comprehensive 4x running workshop on Smart Training Principles with SAC Head Coach for beginner & newbie.
Take your running knowledge and experience to the next level with SACRun.Coach Workshop & Clinic.
Our clients feedback